TRAINING - Dive Deeper.....
Any of the conference presentations can be structured to a workshop, where you can go deeper in regards to content and how to implement strategies within the workplace.
Ian brings his unique ability to engage groups over longer periods through high energy, questions, conversations and group work to ensure everyone is focused and gaining the greatest outcomes possible.
High impact workshops that will take your leaders to a higher level for greater impact.
Ian moves away from the philosophical debates associated with leadership and into powerful strategies that work.
These workshops challenge participants to deeply investigate their strengths, areas of development and then provides opportunitities for practice through strategies that will challenge leaders of any experience.
Ian has the unique ability to take people to levels they have not experienced before, let them practice there and in doing instrantly stretching their abilities.
It is hard to argue the level of importance the ability to influence people is.
Whether it is as a leader, in sales, generally in the workplace or within your personal space knowing strategies and skills that allow people to "see your way" more often is an essential skil.
This workshop uses scientifically proven strategies to dramatically improve your influencing and ultimately peursausion skills. You will walk away from the workshop with skills you can use instantly.
Profiling for greater self awareness
Ian holds accreditations in MBTI, DISC and NLP.
The most important skill in life in is “self awareness”. Nothing happens before this and everything after it.
Using these globally accredited psychometric tools allow people to identify their default settings in regards to leadership, communication, conflict management and influence. This then allows participants to "flex" their styles to get significantly greater impact in day to day interactions. Ian has implemented these tools with not for profits through to the multi-national companies and have seen some amazing transformation changes in the way people lead, communicate and manage conflict.
Facilitated Workshops
There are times when your team requires assistance in having open, unbiased (and sometimes difficult) discussions or assistance to move through a development process.
Ian has assisted hundreds of organisations through facilitating:
- Team Development Days
- Leadership Forums
- Strategic Planning Processes
- Operation planning processes
- Change management
- Continuous Improvement
- Innovation Days
If you are a not for profit / volunteer organisation then contact us directly for very special rates.